出來跑 遲早要還
有點粗俗 但在我的想法裡面 它可以當作至理名言了

ghost同學和我一樣 不過這種陪伴 我想還是不要好了
上完刑訴 嗯 我畫了好多線
大概只知道在講267 想"牽"連" 95.7.1的新法

難得上完課不覺得累 只感到煩躁
比累更不好的情緒 ╮(╯_╰)╭

(不認真的代表是債各 超級糟糕)
怎麼現在聽很多東西都是嶄新的 討厭這種感覺
阿 黃朝義 我認真地相信起你獨門暗器的可能性相當高

現在不唸 債留子孫 以後就災係
結論就是 唸書吧
不要只是去繳報名費的 1000塊可以吃的超好一頓

廖毅還是沒能把課上完 剩下一個不完全給付
加油 他也快上到瘋掉了吧
民法老師都沒了 還要兼營一下保險 嘖嘖
要用瑕疵擔保的例外 出賣人拒絕修補 然後359解約
後面有一個502相當於255的東西 聽不太懂 前後好像有矛盾?

反正那天我本來就不能去 最好一次的犧牲能成就兩件事
有效率 I like it

補完習又跑去逛特賣會 唉 直接回家很空虛
寫個 football association
前面的單字特別顯眼 讓我想到新朋友的ID
本來想 照起來送給她/買來自己穿/買來送她/
無奈要關門 就被趕走了 結局很弱


﹟Linkin Park - Shadow Of The Day

[Chester Bennington]

I close both locks below the window.
I close both blinds and turn away.
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way.

And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

Pink cards and flowers on your window,
Your friends all plead for you to stay.
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way.

And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

[Guitar solo]

And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.


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